Home late and up at 5am to head back to Ithaca and bovine TB testing. We had CCTs (Comparative Cervical Test) to check so that this producer would be free to move his entire dairy to Indiana (this producer was required to test by Indiana before they would allow his cattle into the state). We were back with both teams of vets because by USDA rules the same person that injects the sites must be same person that reads them. So Dr. Baer and I were off to locate all 17 cows that we had injected three days ago (a specific 17 out of 1200 cows).
It took a few hours to locate and check all of them, but we managed with the help of the farm workers. Two out of the thirty that we checked were “suspects” meaning they had a greater reaction to the bovine tuberculin than to the avian tuberculin. Sadly the two were immediately loaded onto a trailer and taken to DCPAH to be necropsied for possible lesions. In general, CCT suspects are just re-tested in another 60 days and the farm is released from quarantine when that test comes back negative. In this case, with the producer wanting to move within a week, the animals didn’t get any possibility of reprieve.
One of the CCT Suspects- We tagged her with pink USDA tags for shipment to the lab. |
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